Climbing down the Mountain

Taking time to regroup and failing…

GenCon came and went and it was a glorious clash of sound and fury. The big dance is always a beautifully exhausting experience. We saw a lot of games, played a few, and conducted a lot of Durdle business during the convention. I think the Durdle business will get a dedicated follow up post, with more details on specific experiences. But the topline is, it went pretty well for Durdle Games. We got face time with multiple publishers, and overall had a positive response to our offerings. That’s not to say every single game was a slam dunk with every publisher, but there was far more good than bad and I expect we’ll have some good news to share in the near future.

Taking a hard left turn from that news though, what else has Durdle Games been up to? Well instead of relaxing we made a new game.

So that is pretty neat.

Rowdy Partners is a team based trick-taking game that body slams trick taking into team work and throws the wrestling theme off the top ropes to double drop kick the western theme. It is still pretty raw, but we have two large playtest weekends coming up in the next 30-ish days where we will be refining the ruleset. In our effort to “fail faster” with our initial designs we have already put Rowdy Partners in front of live humans a half dozen times and while we found flaws, a lot of them, it did not entirely fall apart.

We have also fallen down the rabbit hole of trick-taking fandom and it’s pretty wild. It’s like stumbling into a prog-rock convention. It’s familiar parts but assembled in a way you’ve never heard before. We’re learning a lot on the genre very quickly.

Stay tuned for more details on Rowdy Partners, I expect it will get it’s own page sometime in October.

If you’re interested in ‘Spelldice’ or ‘Cramazon’ or ‘Aimbots’ or ‘ChampionChip Cookie’, send us a message through our Contact Page.
If you are interested in ‘Rowdy Patners’ hold tight, more details coming soon!