Durdling in the New Year

New years resolutions we totally intend to keep.

2022 was quite a year for Durdle Games. We went from small time hobbiest game designers smashing together ideas for fun to small time hobbiest game designers smashing ideas together for fun- that also have to pay taxes. Durdle Games becoming a legit small business was definitely the highlight of this past year. Which is funny because the process of setting up a business is incredibly tedious and bit anti-climactic. Spoiler alert for all aspiring entrepreneurs out there, there won’t be any dramatic music or explosions when you are sitting in a worn out bank building signing operating agreements and discussing banking options.

But you aren’t reading this blog (honestly I could end this sentence here) for the boring details of small business ownership. You’re here for the 2023 Durdle Forecast. Well, here it is. The big Durdle plans we are totally, 100%, and without deviation intend to keep.

  • Make some new games
    This one sounds a bit silly as that is that what we do. But this year we plan to be a bit more intentional about it. We planned out the first half of 2023 with a rough timeline of what we want to focus on each month. So for the first time ever we have some allocated time to focus on specific designs instead of just chasing whatever is appealing for the day.
  • Publish a game
    Durdle has sold a few designs, but we haven’t published anything yet. We plan to change that in the new year. We have some operating capital now, enough to produce a small game with minimal risk. We have some candidates for self-publishing, Trick City being a front runner. The scary part of this is getting stuck with 1000 boxes and no venue to sell it.
  • Revisit some old friends
    Picking up a design that you haven’t fiddled with in a while is a like catching up with an old friend you didn’t have a horrific falling out with. We will intentionally be reviewing some old designs in the next few months. Top of the list- Aimbots. This game has a strong core, but it needs something fresh to get it across the finish line.
  • Enjoy some success
    Long time Durdle Games followers know we have a design sold that we don’t talk about in public spaces. The reason is that design hasn’t been announced yet by the publisher. This year that game (production willing) will be hitting retailers shelves. We’ve been waiting since 2021 for it to deliver and it’s going to be a big time celebration when it drops. That game is also Durdle Games’ origin story and we are really looking forward to sharing it with all of you.

There’s a lot more that Durdle Games will get up to in the new year, but we will save that for future blog posts. Stay tuned for updates on new designs, convention reports, and if Darren will start grammar checking these blog posts before posting them. (Not going to happen!- Darren)

If you are interested in a Durdle design send us a message through our Contact Page.